Monday, 4 March 2013


This animation technique is when animators trace over footage frame by frame for animated films, the frames that have been traced over can be used to make a short animated film which look like realistic images but in sketches.

Advantages of this are it is easy to create, you can save your work as it will be on a computer, disadvantages of this technique is that you must get the exact video that you want to animate.

In my opinion this technique would be harder to create an animation from and also you are quite restricted with what you can and cannot use in your animation. Because you need to use a clip thats already been created by someone you can't use alot of your imagination in the animation.

Below is a clip created with using the rotoscoping technique, this will show how it is created and also how the finished product will look.  

1 comment:

  1. I have never hear about this method you have shared in this article posting. It was a great and interesting post. Thanks for the share. 2d animator
